Silver Line Faces ‘Daunting Issues’
Challenges planners face before cars get rolling.
In August, 2013, 55 years after construction began on the Dulles International Airport, the first phase of a $7 billion Metrorail connection between Washington, D.C. and Dulles will be completed that will extend rail travel to five stops in Tysons Corner and Reston.
Tysons Tax District Questioned
Residents, Taxpayers Alliance oppose new taxes.
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors is expected shortly to create a tax “service” district in Tysons Corner that will fund 11 percent of the estimated $3 billion in transportation projects over the next 40 years as the giant redevelopment plan moves forward.

Silver Line Gets ‘Green Light’
Loudoun County Board by a 5-4 vote ‘opts in’ on extension of rail into their county.
Considering it is a hard fought presidential election year and a time of enormous financial anxiety, the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors took a vote of amazing courage or astounding foolhardiness and backed the extension of the Silver Line Rail into their county.