Newcomers & Community Guide: McLean

Newcomers & Community Guide: McLean


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Voting in Fairfax County

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The Year Ahead in the Dranesville District

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Places I Would Take a Newcomer in Dranesville District

Viewpoints in McLean

What is the best part about living in McLean?

2017 Newcomers & Community Guide

Keep in Touch

2017 Newcomers & Community Guide

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Area Interstates Have Toll Lane Options

Latest addition, 395 Express Lanes, are scheduled to be opened in 2019.

Area Interstates Have Toll Lane Options

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Community Gardens Are for Learning, Sweating and Reaping

Community Gardens Are for Learning, Sweating and Reaping

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Fairfax: Board Approves 2018-2022 Capital Improvement Program

Five-year plan includes three new elementary schools and one new high school.

This year, Fairfax County Public Schools experienced one of the smallest annual enrollment increases in nearly a decade: 1,368 students, compared to the average of 2,400 since the 2008-09 school year, bringing the total to 187,202.

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Meet young chef Ryan Spicknell.

McLean: Fabulous Offers at Earls Kitchen + Bar

Spicknell had dinner at the Vancouver location of the Earls group, and learned that management was looking for summer help. So he jumped at the chance, and from dishwasher to kitchen help, the youngster, perhaps unintentionally, launched his culinary career.

Great Falls: Route 7 Under Construction For 6 Years

The main challenge of the project: Maintaining the traffic while VDOT widens the road.

The Virginia Department of Transportation plans to spend $234 million on improvements to nearly seven miles of Route 7, which include widening it from four to six lanes between Reston Avenue and Jarrett Valley Drive. The project will be awarded to a contractor by January 2018 with construction starting by March 2019 and finishing in late 2025—a total of six years.

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McLean: Kirby Road Sidewalk in Three Years

Two preliminary designs for new sidewalk on Kirby Road connecting pedestrians to Chesterbrook Elementary School were presented to the community on Wednesday, Nov. 9, at a public meeting in the school’s cafeteria. The final design will be completed in 2017, land required for the projects will be acquired in 2018 and construction will start and finish in 2019.

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McLean WinterFest – Registration now open.

Holiday parade on Sunday, December 4

Mark your calendars for McLean WinterFest parade Sunday, December 4th. To register to be in the parade, go to the WinterFest site at It’s fun to relive last year’s parade with the slideshow of entries while planning for WinterFest 2016, McLean’s only community parade.

McLean Nonprofits: Making Community Work 2016

McLean nonprofits