McLean Politics

McLean Politics


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Richmond Priorities: Education and Transit

Fairfax County Supervisors host session with Fairfax General Assembly delegation.


Letting Their Votes Do the Talking in McLean

Voters not saying much for the record at high school polling station on mid-term Election Day.


Senate Election is Blast from the Past

Kaine and Stewart both played key roles in 2016; now they’re at the top of the ballot this year.

Elections rarely get do-overs. Winners make victory speeches, and losers slink away to become consultants. But this year’s election for U.S. Senate features two key players in the 2016 presidential election that upended American politics.

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‘Results vs. the Resistance’ or ‘Common-sense vs. Out-of-touch’ in 10th District?

Comstock and Wexton present stark choice for voters during first debate.

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Virginia Voters Choose Firebrand

Corey Stewart to lead Republican ticket this fall.

Conservative firebrand Corey Stewart was denied an opportunity to be the Republican nominee for lieutenant governor in 2013. And then he came within striking distance of being the party’s standard-bearer in the gubernatorial campaign last year. Now, finally, the chairman of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors has secured a spot at the top of the ticket, bringing his brand of anti-immigrant, pro-Confederate Trumpism to the race against incumbent U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine.

Commentary: Green for Medicaid

The most important vote I have ever taken.

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Blue Firefight in Virginia's 10th Congressional District

Six Democrats vying for Democratic nomination to face Barbara Comstock.

Democrats are so eager to take on two-term incumbent U.S. Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-10), some of them have actually moved to the district specifically to run against her.

Commentary: Decision Slows Transportation Progress

Commentary: Supporting Health of all Virginians

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Comstock Challengers Count on ‘Blue Wave’

The six Democrats vying to unseat Barbara Comstock face off at Colvin Run Elementary.

Opinion: Editorial: Expansion of Health Care in Virginia?

After years of hoping, it’s possible Medicaid expansion will come on April 11; say a prayer.