McLean Politics

McLean Politics


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Romney at GMU: ‘He Believes in Us’

Fairfax crowd gives Romney ‘energetic’ welcome as more than 10,000 supporters gather inside and outside Patriot Center.

By the time GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney took center stage at George Mason University’s Patriot Center around 4 p.m. Monday, the crowd was fired up.

Editorial: Feeling Important

Presidential campaigns traverse Northern Virginia on last days, mark the importance of every vote.

The images from the last weeks of the presidential Election of 2012 make it clear that it would be hard to overstate the importance of voting, especially in Virginia, especially in Northern Virginia.

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Absentee Voting Down Slightly from 2008 Election

More confusion about redistricting reported at polls, not Voter ID.

The line of 100-plus voters casting absentee ballots at the Reston Government Center Friday evening moved quickly.

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McLean Voters Head to Polls

Voting locations crowded starting at 6 a.m.

McLean residents flocked to the polls Tuesday, Nov. 6 to choose a president, senator and congressman, as well as vote on several key County issues.

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First-time Voters Viewpoints: "Who are you voting for and why?"

"I'll be voting for Barack Obama for several reasons. First of all, I've been pretty liberal all my life and I've grown up overseas in France, Belgium and Greece and it's no secret that Europe is pretty liberal also. It put American politics into perspective for me and helped shape my views. Also, I'll be going to college next year and it's increasingly expensive..."

George Allen v. Timothy Kaine for Senate

Voters have stark choice between candidates to replace U.S. Sen. Jim Webb (D).

Candidates for U.S. Senate George Allen and his Democratic challenger Timothy M. Kaine have powerful things in common. Both were popular governors of the Commonwealth of Virginia; both have long political resumes; and both men are passionate about the success of their adopted home state.

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Voters to Determine Fate of Amendment to Limit Use of Eminent Domain

Measure will allow property owners to seek damages for loss of profits and access.

Nowhere is the debate about eminent domain more intense than the foot of King Street in Alexandria, where city officials threatened to take land owned by the Old Dominion Boat Club using the power of eminent domain for flood mitigation.

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The Passover Amendment: Should Legislators Meet on Religious Holidays?

Former Del. David Englin (D-45) was behind amendment now before voters.

Every year, the Virginia General Assembly convenes several weeks after the session to react to the governor’s vetoes.

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Trio of Challengers on the Ballot to Challenge Moran This November

Republican, Independent Green and independent offer a variety of options for voters.

A trio of challengers will oppose longtime U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (D-8) this November, although the Northern Virginia district is solidly blue and not considered competitive.

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Inaction May Cause Federal Officials to Create Health-Care Exchange for Virginia

January 2013 is the deadline for the commonwealth to create authority for exchange.

Virginia is suffering from deadline fever, although Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell is calling for a second opinion.

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President Comes to the Area

Obama rallies his supporters during the campaign stop at Centreville High.

Before President Barack Obama addressed the huge crowd inside Centreville High, Saturday afternoon, Jerry Foltz of Wellspring United Church of Christ gave the invocation.

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Despite Failing Grade on Transparency, Law Enforcement Officials Resist Opening Access

Advocates for public access remain frustrated by persistent lack of transparency.

Back in March, Virginia received a failing grade from the State Integrity Investigation as the result of a systematic lack of transparency.

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Governor Signs Voter ID Bills

McDonnell directs state to send every voter a new voter card before Election Day.

Gov. Robert McDonnell (R) signed watered-down versions of Virginia’s Republican-backed voter identification bills on Friday, adding the Commonwealth to the growing list of states adopting stricter voting standards.

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First-time Candidate Versus Longtime Congressman

Former Navy pilot hopes to defeat Moran with charges of conflict of interest.

Former Navy pilot Bruce Shuttleworth’s campaign to oust U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (D-8) in the Democratic primary is fashioned as an indictment, a campaign in which the issues are framed as an attack on the incumbent.

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Northern Virginia Bill Signing Puts Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence in Spotlight

A rare moment of bipartisanship between Republican governor and Democratic legislators.

Strangulation will be punished more aggressively to combat violence against women. Campus police will work with other police agencies to crack down on domestic violence of unmarried couples. And the telephone number for a human trafficking hotline will be placed in the restrooms at strip clubs across Virginia.