McLean Politics

McLean Politics


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Virginia Voters Get More Choices in 2013

Northern Virginia has most two-party races on ballot.

While the Virginia governor’s race is the one getting the most attention, both nationally and in the state, Virginia’s House of Delegates race is shaping up to be the most competitive in a decade.

Petersen to Governor: Explain, Deny, Return or Resign

Petersen first Virginia legislator to suggest McDonnell resign over alleged wrongdoing in accepting gifts from prominent donor.

The tipping point for state Sen. J. Chap Petersen (D-34) was the $6,500 Rolex watch.

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Terry McAulife Launches Healthcare Platform at Inova Alexandria Hospital

Affordable Care Act is a key point of distinction between candidates for governor.

Democratic candidate for governor Terry McAuliffe found himself in the emergency room this week, but it wasn't because of a medical crisis.

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Hybrid Outrage at the Department of Motor Vehicles

Two legislators vow to introduce effort to repeal new tax on hybrid vehicles.

Suzanne Cleary has owned a hybrid vehicle since 2006, making her an early adopter and a proselytizer to her friends and neighbors.

When a Bill Becomes a Law

On July 1, sales taxes go up for Fairfax County residents.

“We needed to at least make it clear that you risk a reckless driving offense if you text and drive.” —Del. David Bulova (D-37)

Cross County Trail Renamed After Gerry Connolly

U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11) says he is humbled by the Fairfax County Park Authority's decision to rename the 40-mile Cross County Trail the “Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail."

Virginia Lyme Disease Bill Signed

On June 25, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and other Northern Virginia lawmakers met at Claude Moore Park in Sterling for the ceremonial signing of the Lyme Disease Information Disclosure Act of 2013.

Wolf Announces Appointments to the Nation’s Service Academies

Rep. Frank Wolf (R-10) announced the 10th District’s Class of 2017 appointments to the nation’s service academies, as well as those selected for Academy prep schools.

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Establishment Wins Democratic Primary

State senators beat out first-time candidates for lieutenant governor and attorney general.

Two first-time candidates had a hard time beating back the establishment this week, as two state senators won the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor and attorney general Tuesday night.

Absentee Voting Starts Now for Democratic Primaries

Primaries held for lieutenant governor and attorney general.

The State Board of Elections reported Monday, May 6, that absentee voting began for the June 11, 2013 primary and all localities met the required 45-day deadline for mailing absentee ballots to voters.

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Governor McDonnell Endorses Springfield Site for FBI Headquarters

In letter to FBI director, McDonnell says Fairfax County site will advance “national security mission.”

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell has publicly endorsed the Springfield warehouse site for the new FBI building headquarters. In an April 30 letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller and Dan Tangherlini, the acting administrator of the U.S. General Services Administration, McDonnell said the federally owned warehouse is the best choice for a number of reasons.

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McLean Forum Highlights Sex Trafficking

Area officials host human trafficking forum.

Del. Barbara Comstock (R-34) and Del. Tim Hugo (R-40) joined Rep. Frank Wolf (R-10) and others at the McLean Community Center Friday, May 3, to discuss the facts of human trafficking. The U.S. State Department estimated that human trafficking is the third largest source of profits for international organized crime, behind firearms and narcotics.

Comstock, Wolf to Host Human Trafficking Forum in McLean

Delegate Barbara Comstock (R-34) will host a town hall meeting on Friday, May 3, with U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-10), Del. Tim Hugo (R-40), the Richmond Justice Initiative and a panel of local experts, federal and state officials to educate the community about human sex trafficking in Virginia and both how the commonwealth is cracking down on this growing crime and how residents can further increase awareness of the threat posed in the area.

Eight Run for MCC Governing Board

Three adult, two teen positions available.

Eight Run for MCC Governing Board

Editorial: More Obstacles to Transparency

General Assembly puts more information out of public reach, but other factors also limit access.

The first paragraph of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, passed by the General Assembly in 1968, states that all public records "shall be presumed open." It doesn’t add, “except when we don’t want to,” although that provision does seem to be available in many cases. Individual government entities have a variety of ways of making it hard for the public to access public information.