McLean Politics

McLean Politics


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Northern Virginia's Growing Debt Burden

Local governments use debt as a tool to build for the future.

Back in the 1920s, Harry Byrd became governor of Virginia on what he called a "pay-as-you-go" platform.

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Virginia Laws Help Local Governments Conceal 911 Calls from Public

Police agencies refuse to release audio from 911 calls, prompting questions about transparency.

When city officials in Alexandria released the audio of a 911 call in a high-profile murder case, many people interpreted the move as a step forward for transparency in a commonwealth known for opaque government.

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Money on the Shelves: Jurisdictions Take Variety of Approaches to Funding Libraries

Some have recovered from the recession, others are still struggling.

What is the future of the neighborhood library?

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Eleven Candidate In Epic Democratic Primary to Replace Moran

Successful candidate could emerge with 10,000 votes.

The Democratic primary is shaping up to be the most competitive election in recent memory, one with an unprecedented number of candidates.

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Nine Candidates Vying for Attention in 8th Congressional District Democratic Primary

Race to replace Jim Moran is expected to be competitive and expensive.

It's been three weeks since longtime U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (D-8) announced that he would not be seeking a 13th term in Congress, opening up an epic primary fight that is now starting to take shape.

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Jim Moran: The $15 Million Congressman

During his years in Congress, Moran raised and spent about $1 million each campaign cycle.

One of the first things that happened after U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (D-8) announced he would not be running for reelection this year was that he cancelled a fundraising event.

Comstock Runs for Congress

Comstock will run against state Sen. Richard Black (R-13) and Richard Shickle (Frederick) for the Republican nomination.

Virginia State Del. Barbara Comstock (R-34) will be running for the Republican nomination for Virginia’s 10th Congressional District election in 2014. Comstock issued an official statement Jan. 7 about her decision to run, citing her past three terms as a delegate successfully working within the limits of Virginia's state budget as a primary reason behind her decision to run.

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A Year in Review, Things to Look for in 2014

Supervisor John w. Foust (D-Dranesville) reflects on most important events in McLean and Great Falls in 2013 and 2014.

Supervisor John W. Foust (D-Dranesville): *TRANSPORTATION FUNDING PLAN HB2313 - A significant event affecting the community in 2013 was the passage of HB2313 with bi-partisan support. This bill was the first comprehensive transportation plan passed in Virginia in 27 years.

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Sen. Favola Shares Legislative Priorities

State Sen. Barbara Favola (D-31) highlights the following legislative priority issues: *Safety Net: Retain McDonnell’s $1.6 M for extension of subsidies to foster youth and adopted youth until the age of 21. *Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) --- Index benefits to the COL Adjustment as determined by the Department of Labor (Need Budget Amendment as well). This helps women and children. Families stay an average of 3 years on TANF. The caseload has been decreasing in Virginia and $5M was shifted in the last biennium from TANF block grant dollars to funds General Fund services.

Comstock to Chair House Science And Technology Committee

Delegate Barbara Comstock (R-34) was named Chairwoman of the House Science and Technology Committee by Speaker Bill Howell (R-28). Howell said, "Barbara Comstock is one of the brightest and most energetic lawmakers in the General Assembly. She has worked tirelessly on issues important to Northern Virginia and the entire Commonwealth. For years she has been a leader on issues related to economic development and technology. This experience and knowledge will make her a great Chairwoman."

John Foust Announces Campaign to Represent Residents of 10th Congressional District

Fairfax County Supervisor John Foust (D-Dranesville) announced the start of his campaign to represent the residents of Virginia’s tenth congressional district issuing the following press release:

New Approach to Mental Health

Reforms in wake of tragedy involving state senator's son.

Advocates for mental health services have been calling for improved services and increased funding for years, although the issue has been pushed aside year after year.

Democrats Shut Out of Power in Senate

Even if Democrats win in two special elections, control over committees is unlikely.

Don't expect Democrats to take control over state Senate committees anytime soon, even if the party manages to hold both of the seats where special elections are now underway.

Every Tweet Counts

How Republican Brian Schoeneman earned wrath of his party by making sure every vote counted in county.

On the morning of Nov. 6, the day after the general election, it appeared that Republican Mark Obenshain had eked out a razor-thin victory over Democrat Mark Herring to become Virginia’s next Attorney General. Like most hotly-contested political battles, the close race generated even closer scrutiny.

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McLean Casts its Vote

Residents will choose new governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, delegate, sheriff.

On the first Tuesday of November last year, the halls of Langley High School were filled with lines of people waiting to cast their vote for president. On Tuesday, Nov. 5, the lines weren’t quite as long, but voters throughout McLean went to their respective precincts throughout the day.