McLean Politics

McLean Politics


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Online Virginia Lottery Sales? Don't Bet On It

House panel rejects bill that would allow for sale of lottery tickets over the internet.

A coalition of convenience store owners and religious conservatives worked to till an effort from the Virginia Lottery to allow for online gambling, thwarting an effort aimed at increasing sales among millennial gamblers. The bill, introduced by Del. Roxann Robinson (R-27), was defeated with an overwhelming vote by a House General Laws subcommittee Tuesday afternoon.

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Senate Panel Approves Crackdown on Internet Lenders in Virginia

Bill would subject unregulated loans to rules that apply to consumer-finance loans.

The Wild West of online lending is about to become a little tamer. That’s because a state Senate panel narrowly approved a bill that would subject internet loans to the same restrictions that currently exist for consumer finance loans, a move that would cramp the anything-goes culture of online loans in Virginia.

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McLean: Preparing to Prosper in 2017

Q&A: Supervisor John Foust looks into year ahead.

Q & A with Supervisor John Foust: What are you looking forward to in 2017? Do you have any personal New Year's resolutions for yourself, or major milestones you anticipate reaching?

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McLean: Comstock Sworn-In To The 115th Congress


“We live in exciting times for our region, where the innovation economy is constantly evolving and growing. I look forward to working in the new Congress with my colleagues to forge pro-growth policies that will boost the innovation economy even further." – Barbara Comstock

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Senators to Alexandria: Clean Up Your Act by 2020 or Lose State Funding

Lawmakers poo poo city efforts to flush raw sewage.

Members of the Virginia state Senate say they’re tired of hearing excuses about sewage from city officials in Alexandria, and they’re pushing ahead with a plan that one senator calls “the nuclear option.” This afternoon, the Senate Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources Committee approved a bill that sets a firm deadline for Alexandria to clean up its act — 2020. If city officials are unable to stop dumping more than 10 million gallons of raw sewage into the Potomac River every year, Alexandria would lose all state appropriations until the problem is fixed.

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Predatory Lenders Work Behind the Scenes to Avoid Regulation and Evade the Law

Campaign contributions and political connections used to sidestep crackdown.

Predatory Loans in the Crossfire: Lawmakers conflicted about how to handle high-interest loans.

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Rep. Comstock Co-Sponsors Resolution Condemning Anti-Israel UN Vote

Congresswoman Barbara Comstock

“In an act of moral cowardice in the closing days of his administration, President Obama’s ‘reckless abstention’ [to use the words of former DNC Chair and current Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)] at the UN has demonstrated his legacy as the most anti-Israel President in modern history. President Obama took the longtime, bipartisan support for Israel that has been a hallmark of U.S. foreign policy for decades and scrapped it with this short-sighted action last month.

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McLean: Kirby Road Sidewalk in Three Years

Two preliminary designs for new sidewalk on Kirby Road connecting pedestrians to Chesterbrook Elementary School were presented to the community on Wednesday, Nov. 9, at a public meeting in the school’s cafeteria. The final design will be completed in 2017, land required for the projects will be acquired in 2018 and construction will start and finish in 2019.

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Clinton and Kaine Carry Virginia, Trump Seizes Key Battlegrounds

Comstock, Connolly, Beyer re-elected; meals tax voted down; bonds voted up.

MEALS TAX referendum would have allowed Fairfax County supervisors to enact up to a four percent tax on prepared foods and beverages.

Leadership vs Rhetoric

Letter to the Editor

Congresswoman Comstock worked across party lines to pass a 5-year transportation bill—the first of its kind in 10 years—which brings $6.2 billion to the Commonwealth. She also supported bipartisan bills to replace No Child Left Behind, provide resources to combat the heroin epidemic, and bolster our national security.

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Race Tightens in Heated 10th District

Comstock, Bennett crisscross Northern Virginia in all-out effort to reach key voters.

In the final, frantic days of the one of the most unpredictable and unprecedented elections in modern history, both candidates spent the blustery fall weekend crisscrossing the sprawling, diverse 10th district - meeting residents, rallying volunteers and campaigning hard for voters’ support.

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Debating Pro & Con on Meals Tax

League of Women Voters hosts forum on Meals Tax issue.

The League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area sponsored a debate-style panel discussion on the Meals Tax issue which will go before county voters in the Nov. 8 General Election.

Interfaith Partners for Justice Address Needs of Returning Citizens

Interfaith Partners for Justice (IPJ), a cooperative effort of members of ten Northern Virginia faith communities, invites returning citizens (ex-offenders), people of faith and justice advocates to come together for a come-when-you-can afternoon of opportunities for voter registration and photo IDs, as well as a series of workshops, advocacy tables and conversations on the needs of returning citizens (often less hopefully and permanently called “ex-offenders”) on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016, 2 to 5 p.m. at Lake Anne Community Center, 1609 A Washington Plaza in Reston.

‘Sextortion’ Victims Are Mostly Men

Photos, video used to demand money from victims.

Detectives of the Major Crimes Division of Fairfax County Police report a trend in an unsavory type of financial scam. Sexual extortion scams, commonly referred to as “sextortion,” involve meeting someone the victim believes is a real person online who coaxes him or her into feeling a sense of connection and intimacy, and then sending risque photos or video.

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First Lady Comes to GMU, Campaigns for Clinton

Speaks on Hillary Clintons 'lifelong record of public service.'

Excitement filled the air when First Lady Michelle Obama addressed an enthusiastic crowd, last Friday, Sept. 16, at GMU’s Johnson Center. Speaking on behalf of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, she urged everyone to vote and called Clinton the only qualified candidate in the race.