The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors present McLean High School It’s Academic Team with a Resolution recognizing their championship achievement, McLean High School team of Noah Chin, Ethan Zhou, Carter Pisocky, and alternate Andrew Evans.
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors recognized the McLean High School Scholastic Bowl Team for their "It’s Academic" championship with a resolution on Tuesday, July 25, requested by Supervisor John W. Foust (Dranesville), representing McLean. “It’s Academic” is recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's longest-running TV quiz show.
The competition of 81 public and private schools in the D.C., Maryland and Virginia ended on April 23 in the final round of "It's Academic," when the McLean Team beat Sandy Spring Friends School and Montgomery Blair High School to emerge victorious in the academic finals for the second year in a row.
The McLean team of Noah Chin, Ethan Zhou, Carter Pisocky, and alternate Andrew Evans, who competed in the first two matches, is the first Fairfax County Public School to win back-to-back (2022 and 2023) “It's Academic” championships.
“You've done much to be proud of and I hope you enjoy this accomplishment and for many years to come," said Foust. “The hard work, dedication, and commitment of the team members and the support and guidance of coaches Jennifer Kathy and Lindsey Benedict led to this victory,” Foust said.